Objective measurements for the most reliable Machine Vision interpretations

Imatest combines the best products available for a complete test lab solution to accurately measure key image quality factors of machine vision imaging systems. Our software, test charts, and equipment make it easy to analyze your imaging system’s quality with objective measurements.

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Interchangeable Lens Camera - Image Quality Analysis

Analyze Key Image Quality Factors

Imatest Master software analyzes over 30 popular test charts with various features for sharpness, color, tone, noise, and dynamic range. It automatically recognizes the key features and delivers accurate measurements to easily understand the quality of your system. Some of the most important image quality factors that our software will test are:



Reliable Test Charts

Our test charts provide the most accurate results for key image quality factors. They are always up to date with the latest standards and industry trends. We produce every chart with the highest quality print technology and are continually reviewing processes to improve chart quality and software algorithms. Our charts are produced in many sizes and on a variety of substrates including photographic film and chrome on glass to accommodate your system requirements. Some of the most popular test charts for Interchangeable Lens Cameras are:

Streamline your test process with our multi-feature charts, eSFR ISO and SFRplus to measure multiple image quality factors with one chart. Custom design and sizes are available, contact us at sales@imatest.com.

Interchangeable Lens Camera - Image Quality Test Charts



Standard Compliance

Imatest software and charts meet all the compliance requirements listed in the ISO 12233 standard for resolution and spatial frequency.



Expert Tested Light Sources

Our engineers are experts in image quality science and thoroughly vet each light source we sell and manufacture to ensure they provide the most reliable results. Our most popular and trusted light sources are:



Interchangeable Lens Camera - Image Quality Light Solutions 



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