Imatest Studio License

October 8, 2021
August 4, 2022


Imatest Studio has all the measurements the individual photo enthusiast needs to test his or her cameras or lenses. It contains many of Imatest Master’s sophisticated features while remaining an affordable choice for individual photographers. See Version Comparison: Studio vs. Master for details.  A new Studio license includes one year of Support.



Looking for an image quality testing package that fits the budget of an independent? Imatest Studio is the answer. Consider the following assessment that appears in the Complete Guides written by Thom Hogan:

“…almost all of my statements about image quality properties have been empirically tested by both careful image shooting and running standard test charts through Imatest. Imatest is probably the most precise testing facility easily available to the average user. I highly recommend it as a way to get to know the nuances of your camera’s response.”

See Version Comparison: Studio vs. Master for details.

Note:  This product is for sale only to individuals.