Current Documentation

All documentation versions

Deprecated in Current Release

Requirements Software operation Defining Calibration Tasks Definitions and Theory

Supported Systems

Supported Targets

Required Evidence

Test Setup

Calibration Procedure

User Interface

Use in Imatest IT

Module settings

Module outputs

Defining a Device

Defining Distortion

Defining the System of Devices

Defining the Target

Defining a Test Capture

Defining a Test Image

Homogenous Coordinates

Projective Camera Model

Multi-Camera Systems

Distortion Models

Coordinate Systems

Rotations and Translations


Imatest must know about the physical target being used in order to map image points to real-world spatial coordinates. 


Target Type

Supported values: Checkerboard

Note: Current the Geometric Calibrator only supports planar checkerboard targets, as described here. In the future, this list will grow.


Target Variant

Supported values: 3-Circle Type 1,  3-Circle Type 2

Each supported target type may have many variants. 

For checkerboard targets, the supported variants are identified by their center-point defining fiducial pattern. (Checkerboards without one of these patterns are not supported in this module though may be used in Checkerboard module for other measurements).

Type 1 fiducial in standard orientation

Type 2 fiducial in standard orientation

Element Dimensions

Supported values: scalar value or two-element array

The actual size of the checkers of the physical target must be supplied. If the element size is supplied as a single value, it is assumed the checkers are square. If a two-element array is entered, the values indicate the x- and y-sizing, respectively. 

Values must be accompanied by a dimensional unit indicating the SI unit sizes are defined in. 

(Note: For high-precision use cases, measuring the non-squareness of your actual target is essentially, even of a nominally-square checkerboard.)