Imatest Documentation

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Table of Contents

Image qualitySharpnessOther IQ factorsIQ Utilities —  Getting started —
Imatest Instructions – generalTroubleshooting —  Knowledge Base highlights
Sharpness modulesTone, Color, Noise & Dynamic Range modulesSpatial & Uniformity modules
Miscellaneous modules and utilities
Industrial Testing editionAppendix

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Image Quality

General — Introduction to Image Quality Factors

Image quality factorsOverview and Imatest measurements

IntroductionSummary tableImage quality factorsSharpnessNoiseDynamic rangeColor accuracyDistortionUniformityLateral chromatic aberrationVeiling glareColor moireSoftware artifactsData compressionPrinter quality factorsPrint DmaxPrint color gamut


SharpnessWhat is it and how is it measured?

IntroductionMTFMTF equationSlanted-edge measurements – Why a slanted edge? – MTF measurement matrixSpatial frequency unitsSummary metricsResultsNoise reductionDiffraction & Optimum apertureInterpreting MTF50 – Autofocus SpeedCalculation detailsImatest vs. ISO calculationLinks

Sharpening and Standardized Sharpening for comparing cameras

IntroductionExamples – Over/UndersharpeningExamplesUnsharp masking (USM)Links – Standardized sharpening

Slanted-edge versus Siemens StarA comparison of sensitivity to signal processing

IntroductionImagesRaw resultsSlanted-edge results – Sinusoidal (Log F-Contrast and Siemens star) resultsExtreme sharpeningSummaryConclusions

Slanted-edge versus Siemens Star, Part 2Results for four additional cameras

Slanted-edge measurement consistency and repeatability comparing different ISO speeds and ROI sizes. Incomplete, but still useful.

Validating the Imatest slanted-edge calculation

LSF (Line Spread Function) correction factor for slanted-edge MTF measurements

Correcting nonuniform illumination in slanted-edge MTF measurements  for nonuniformity perpendicular to the edge

Compensating camera MTF measurements for chart and sensor MTF

Introduction – Calculation – MTF compensation files – Applying the compensation – Lens MTF measurements

Chart Quality Calculator – determine the suitability of a chart (based on MTF measurements for specific media & print methods) for a specific application
Test chart suitability for MTF measurements – charts for determining the MTF measurement suitability of several media types (inkjet and photographic; reflective and transmissive). Based on Chart Quality Calculator results.
Chart Quality Index (CQI) – older (now deprecated) method that relates chart quality and size to MTF measurements. Replaced by Chart Quality Calculator. The Chart Finder is an interactive website for selecting chart size and media.
MTF curves and Image appearanceCorrelating measurement with appearance
Acutance and SQF (Subjective Quality Factor): perceptual sharpness measurement

Other Image Quality Factors

Temporal Noise  comparing the two-image and multi-image measurements

Nyquist frequency, aliasing, and Color Moire  introducing a color aliasing metric derived from hyperbolic wedges.

Dynamic Range – a general introduction with links to Imatest modules that calculate it.
Chromatic Aberration – (Lateral Chromatic Aberration) AKA Color fringing
Shannon information capacity – information that can pass through a channel without error

Image quality utilities let you degrade, enhance, examine, and perform simple analyses of any image (not just test charts)

Image Processing Simulate several image processing operations (degradations: blur and noise; enhancements: sharpen, bilateral filter, tone mapping, etc.) and observe their effects on appearance and measurements (MTF, SSIM, etc.).
SSIM: Structural Similarity Index Measure image quality degradation and artifacts from signal processing such as compression. Also, measure PSNR.

Image Statistics – Interactively observe image statistics: cross sections, means, noise, SNR, histograms, and frequency spectra.
Radial Geometry – Add or correct distortion, lateral chromatic aberration, or rotation to images.


Getting Started with Image Quality Testing

Why Imatest?     |     Test Charts     |     Lighting     |     Image Capture Technique     |     Setting up Your Lab     |     Using Imatest Software


Start Using Imatest Software

Installation – and getting started
Using Imatest – Introduction and general instructions
Image file formats and acquisition devices Imatest’s many image sources
Activation/Deactivation – Activating Imatest and moving it from one computer to another
Knowledge base — contains several links to help solve activation issues.
Please note:  Each Imatest license can be activated on only one computer at a time, but the activation can be easily moved between computers, especially if they’re online. You can install Imatest– and keep it installed– on as many computers as you like (Macintosh as well as Windows– your license works for both; you never have to uninstall it). To move the activation to another computer, you’ll need to deactivate it on the old computer then activate it on the new one, following the instructions above. You may do this as often as you like.


Imatest Instructions – general

Session LoggingLog level controls for display and log files 
Skype video specification support Instructions and suggestions
Autobatch – Combine several test images (from different modules) for a single device into an automatic batch run.

The Imatest Functional Interface – A simplified interface for running tests with consistent settings

Building a test lab – How to build a testing lab
Saved settings – Imatest.ini and INI files for use with Imatest IT
Pass/Fail Monitor – Realtime display and update of pass/fail results (useful with Imatest IT)
Troubleshooting What to do when Imatest doesn’t work

Knowledge Base highlights Links to articles for troubleshooting, activation, and general advice on operation.

There are many more links like these on the Knowledge Base.

Sharpness modules

SFR – Basic analysis of slanted-edges (manual ROI selection)

Using SFR Part 1 – Setting up and photographing SFR targets
Using SFR Part 2 – Running Imatest SFR
SFR results: – Chromatic Aberration, Noise, and Shannon capacity plot

SFR results: Auto-focus plot

Table of Rescharts slanted-edge MTF modules. (All also available as batch-capable fixed modules.)
All feature automatic region detection, ISO-compliant MTF (sharpness) analysis, and Lateral Chromatic Aberration calculation.
Feature   SFRplus
Sharpness map detail High Medium Depends on arrangement High
ISO-standard chart design
Color analysis *
Tonal response (OECF) *
Noise analysis Limited * Limited Limited
Distortion Limited
Geometry *
Features and
recommended uses
Imatest’s original automatically-detected chart, in use since 2009. robust and versatile. Some white space recommended above and below top and bottom bars. More spatial and distortion detail than eSFR ISO.
ISO-standard chart design. Includes wedge analysis. Supports detailed noise analysis.

Several individual charts are typically placed around the image field. Works with
-extreme fisheye lenses (>180º)
target projection systems
-Charts at different distances to test focus & depth of field.
-extreme high resolution cameras (>36MP)

*FoV is omitted from geometry.

Relatively insensitive to framing: can zoom in or out as long as distance is large enough so chart quality is not an issue and there are detectable corners. Well-suited for through-focus measurements. Very accurate distortion measurements.

♦ denotes strong support;  – denotes no support.

SFRplus – Automated analysis of slanted-edges

Using SFRplus Part 1 – The SFRplus chart: features and how to photograph it
Using SFRplus Part 2 – Running SFRplus
sfrplus_predistort_200WPre-distorted and special charts for Fisheye Lenses – with many applications such as automotive rear view cameras
              Includes SFRplus, eSFR ISO, and SFRreg charts.  Previewing pre-distortion

eSFRiso_enhanced_200WeSFR ISO – Automated analysis of the ISO 12233:2014 Edge SFR chart

Using eSFR ISO Part 1 – The ISO 12233:2014 E-SFR chart: features and how to photograph it

SFRreg – Automated analysis of registration mark patterns

  • Optikos_Meridian_200WTest at infinity focus with Long Range projection systems
  • Test imaging systems with ultrawide fisheye lenses (>180 degrees)
  • Test at very long camera-to-chart distances
  • Test at variable distances for Depth of Field.
Using SFRreg Part 1 – Registration mark patterns and how to photograph them

Checkerboard – Automated analysis of checkerboard patterns

checkerboard_ideal_framing-200WUsing Checkerboard Part 1 – Checkerboard patterns and how to photograph them

Rescharts modules – Log F-Contrast, Star, Random, Wedge

Using Rescharts – Analysis of resolution-related charts
Log Frequency – Analysis of log frequency-varying charts
Log F-Contrast – Analysis of charts that vary in log frequency and contrast
Star Chart – Analysis of the Siemens star chart
Random/Dead Leaves – Scale-invariant test charts (including Imatest Spilled Coins)
           for measuring texture sharpness
Texture examples – More details of Imatest Spilled Coins texture sharpness measurements
Dead Leaves measurement issue – Illustrates challenges posed by extreme signal processing
Wedge Analysis – Analysis of hyperbolic or trapezoidal wedge patterns with the Wedge and eSFR ISO modules

Sharpness utilities & postprocessors

MTF Compare – Compare MTFs of different cameras and lenses
Image Stabilization/Sharpness Compare – SFRplus postprocessor for analyzing (Optical) Image Stabilization
          and comparing sharpness of different images
Batchview – Postprocessor for viewing summaries of SFR, SFRplus results
Find Sharpest Files – Find the sharpest files in a batch

Tone, color, and spatial modules

Tone, Color, Noise, and Dynamic Range

New Imatest Dynamic Range film chart with Dmax = base+3.4Using Color/Tone Interactive (Multicharts)Interactive analysis of color & grayscale test charts
Using Color/Tone Auto (Multitest)Fixed (batch-capable) analysis of color & grayscale test charts
Color/Tone/eSFR ISO Noiseincluding chroma, sensor (RAW), and visual noise
Contast Detetction Probability (CDP)  – Based on IEEE p2020 automotive image quality standard
Color/Tone Special ChartsAdditional charts, including ISO OECF and noise chats and circles arranged on a square
Color Correction Matrix (CCM) Calculate a matrix (usually 3×3) for correcting image colors (often from RAW images)
Nonuniformity Correction in grayscale and color chart modules for Color/Tone Auto or Setup, Stepchart, and Colorcheck
Dynamic Range – a general introduction with links to Imatest modules that calculate it.
Contrast ResolutionA special transmissive chart for measuring the visibility of low contrast features in larger fields over a wide dynamic range. Analyzed with Color/Tone Interactive or Auto.
Colorcheck/Color/Tone AppendixColor difference algorithms and reference formulas
Dynamic Range (postprocessor)Calculate Dynamic Range from several Color/Tone Auto or Stepchart images
Measuring test chart patcheswith a Spectrophotometer and one of two software packages


Spatial and Uniformity modules

Light Falloff contour plotUsing Uniformity, Part 1Measure lens vignetting and image nonuniformity
Using Uniformity, Part 2 Features in Imatest Master and IS (not in Studio)
Using Uniformity-InteractiveInteractive measurement of vignetting and sensor nonuniformity (can be used with direct image acquisition)
Using Blemish Detect – Measure visible sensor defects
Lightbox Comparison GuideComparing lightbox brightness and uniformity
Testing flat screen displayswith Imatest Blemish Detect
Using Distortion  (Checkerboard is recommended for strongly barrel-distorted (“fisheye”) lenses.)
Dot PatternAnalysis of a grid of circular dots

Miscellaneous modules and utilities

Arbitrary Charts – Analyze a chart layout you have designed yourself. 
Using Test ChartsCreate test charts for high quality inkjet printers
SVG Test ChartsScalable Vector Graphics charts for MTF and other measurements
Using Screen PatternsMonitor patterns for Light Falloff, SFR, Distortion, and monitor calibration
Rename Files – using EXIF data
Image Processing Simulate several image processing operations (degradations: blur and noise; enhancements: sharpen, bilateral filter, tone mapping, etc.) and observe their effects on appearance and measurements (MTF, SSIM, etc.).
Image Statistics – Interactively observe image statistics: cross sections, means, noise, SNR, histograms, and frequency spectra.
Composite ChartCreate a synthetic test chart from several individual image files.
Educational Apps – Learning resource for image quality factors and measurements.


Imatest IT – Industrial Testing (non-GUI)

Imatest IT-EXE instructions – Running Imatest IT (Industrial Testing)-EXE
Imatest IT-C instructions – Running Imatest IT (Industrial Testing)-C
Imatest IT-C++ instructions – Running Imatest IT (Industrial Testing)-C++
Imatest IT-Python instructions – Running Imatest IT (Industrial Testing)-Python
Imatest IT-.NET (C#) instructions – Running Imatest IT (Industrial Testing)-.NET (C#)
Imatest IT-.NET (Visual Basic) instructions – Running Imatest IT (Industrial Testing)-.NET (Visual Basic)
Imatest IT Parallel (IT-P) – Accelerating Imatest IT by performing tests in parallel
Imatest INI file reference – Reference to INI files for IT/EXE and IT/DLL users (sections used in several modules)
Direct Read Mode – Pass image data directly into Imatest IT, without writing to a file on disk
Implementing Pass/Fail – Setting up Pass/Fail criteria and Pass/Fail Reference. For Imatest IT and GUI versions.

Pass/Fail Monitor – Realtime display and update of pass/fail results (useful with Imatest IT)
Operator Console – User interface for production environments
Imatest IT Knowledge Base – Articles about Imatest IT


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Cross-reference tables Tables to help you navigate Imatest
Version comparison: Studio vs. Master – Which is right for you?
Troubleshooting – What to do when Imatest doesn’t work
Imatest Change Log – Imatest release history
Default INI FolderLocation on your computer of resource files used by Imatest
License The Imatest End User License Agreement (EULA)